Certification obtained at Solysol’s ARC-TECH E.S. Center with the support of the American Welding Society.
Each welder can choose the process in which he/she becomes approved, also the material and the position with the greatest degree of difficulty for which he/she feels prepared.
Then the welder can keep adding as many approvals as he/she wants, at a very low cost that will give you enormous authority in his/her work.
The AWS Welder Certification will always keep the history of the different approvals the welder has obtained, so that he/she can present in his/her curriculum a degree of the highest level and recognition in his profession.
Solysol has been honored by receiving a first group of 10 Khenyan welders in our ARC-TECH E.S. facility.
KPC, Khenyan Pipeline Company sent this group of welders to Spain in order to fill the shortage of welders that are required for their Gas&Oil plants and distribution network.
After training on pipe welding, all these welders took their qualification tests on API 1104 Code, and then received the AWS Certification.
Today they all contribute with their excellent daily work to their company resources growth and manteinance.
Each welder chooses the process he/she desires to become approved on. In order to get the approval we need a Qualified Welding Process Specification (WPS). The welder needs to weld following all the Essential Variables of the WPS. During the Approval test, the welder will also be examined on his/her knowledge and control of these essential variables. In our Arc-Tech E.S. Techonogy Center, the welder will be able to become approved in the following traditiona processes, and also in some of the most advanced processes we promote:
Desig. | Process | Desig. | Process |
SMAW | Coated Stick Electrode | SAW | Summerged Arc |
GMAW | MIG/MAG solid or Metal-Cored Wire | PAW | Plasma Arc Welding |
GTAW | TIG | OFW | Oxifuel Welding |
FCAW | Flux Cored Wire (Gas or shelf shielded) | Otros | Please indicate |
The welder's approval also depends on the material type. The materials for welders' approvals are, among others, the following ones:
Welding position is another essential variable to choose. It is recommended that the welder tries to become approved in the most difficult position he/she feels comfortable with. This way, he/she will demonstrate ability to also weld easier to handle positions. In our training center we can train the welder so he/she can not only become approved, but also be able to weld in any position so there is no limitation in the job the welder is required to execute during any project.
American Welding Society (AWS) Training and Certification Programs do not require the welder must be in training nor practicing during certain minimum amount of hours.
Each welder develops different level of ability during the training programs. ARC-TECH E.S. welding training center counts with very high level of experienced instructors who are more than willing to share tips and guidance for best practices in order to obtain sound welds in any welding position, material and process.
Once the welder gains the ability then he/she can apply to become approved. All the tests performed in ARC-TECH E.S. in the presence of our Certified Welding Inspectors are suitable to be reported to AWS to apply for an Official AWS Welder Certification Card.
The AWS Welder Certification Card is an unquestionable probe of the welder's ability to perform welding. Main global industries around the World recognize this certification: oil and gas, energy, heavy and light construction, engineering, etc.
ARC-TECH E.S. Welding Technology Center is the first and at the moment, only AWS Accredited Test Facility (ATF) to approve welders so they can also obtain the Certified Welder Card from AWS.
After the welder passes the Approval Tests, he/she is aimed to get the Official AWS Accreditation as Certified Welder:
The welder receives an AWS certificate as shown in the image, and a card he/she can present for any job the welder applies. The AWS Certified Welder program allows for welders to obtain multiple certifications to expand their credentials.
Every certification that a welder earns increases the number of skills needed to perform a wide range of welding jobs.
Arc-Tech E.S. training programs adapt to each welder needs.
Complet hands-on programs. The welder is continously welding on real plate or pipe applications using the process he/she choose.
The welder is instructed by professional first class welder.
Each day the welder moves towards more difficult joints and positions until he/she becomes comfortable producing sound welds.
At the end of the training the welder can choose to pass a qualification test or continue to more advanced training.
After obtaining a qualification, the welder can choose to apply to become an AWS Certified Welder.
Programs are developed from Monday to Friday 9:30 to 18:00 h in our Arc-Tech E.S. facility
When you apply by sending the Registration Form, you will receive a proforma invoice to pay for the program you choose.
Once invoice is paid, you will be sheduled to participate in a training class after 4 weeks from confirmation, or you can also indicate in your application a preference on the dates that best fit you.
The week before the starting of the program we will send you a confirmation that the program will take place because enough students have confirmed participation. In case there would not be enough students or any other reason, the program can be postponed to next available dates. If this occurs, you will be able to make a choice to participate in next available program or to be reimbursed with the money you have paid.
Please complete your Registration by filling your data with a click:
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us:
Or you can use the Contact Form by clicking the link.
You will receive a proforma invoice with payment details. Once paid, you will be informed of the forecasted training schedule. We will try our best to fit your schedule if required.
(*) AWS Certification has expiration after 6 months. In order to keep it active during 2 years, you must send an employeer or customer letter, singed and stamped indicating that you have been an active welder during those months.
In case we do not receive the letter at least 2 weeks before expiration date, your certification will always be valid but it will be expired.
(**) QUALIFICATION TESTS: In order to take a test, you must have received a confirmation of your participation from us.
Tests take place in ARC-TECH E.S. facility, from Monday to Friday, 9:30 to 17:30 h.
Please make sure you come early enough so you have time to prepare your test coupon and finish it during the testing day. In case you do not finish on time, we can not assure it will be opening for you to continue the following day. A fee as a 1-day class will be applied in case you need to come back another day to finish your test.
In case you do not show ability to pass the test, you will be recommended to take a training class. For the right training class, you can use the Calculator to check prices. Then you can send the application for the class of your choice.
Our instructors and inspectors will guide you in order to finish your test succesfully. But the test is individual and only you can guarantee the final result of the test.
You can use the Price Calculator to check the cost of training, qualification test and AWS-Certification.
To calculate the fee applicable to your training, qualification and certification needs, please use the Calculator.
In case you can not assist, you will be reimbursed as follows:
Basic 1 week training - Carbon Steel - SMAW or GMAW Processes
Supplement for GTAW, FCAW, OFW or other processes
Supplement for Automatic Welding: SAW, carriages
Advanced training - price per week (supplements also apply)
Supplement for other than Carbon Stell material
Supplement for Pipe Welding
Welder Qualification Test
AWS Official Welder Certification - valid for 2 years (*)
Single 1 day class - Carbon steel plate
Single 1 day class - alloyed material or pipe
10-day class Voucher - carbon steel
10-day class Voucher plate/pipe/different materials & processes
Calculate the cost based on the goals you want to achieve in each program
Certification as a welder delivered by AWS, after passing tests based on process, material, and positions is worldwide recognized: AWS is “Harvard” in welding.
You can complete your certification as you pass the different tests. Maintenance has a symbolic cost but gives it unrivalled prestige in this profession. Even if you don’t want to keep it up to date, showing that you’ve achieved your certification will serve you against any job and as a reference in any company in the world.